
The principal pillars of modern interconnected society are mostly missing in many rural areas in Africa: access to reliable power/electricity, affordable access to internet & mobile network, easily accessible clean water and basic financial services inclusionThe poorest in society pay the highest price for these gaps!

UltiNetS recommend a holistic, multi-utility approach that leverages multiple revenue streams off one primary infrastructure investment, which is tailored and modular for low-affordability under-served communities. We believe in the power of Digital Inclusion through provision of innovative and sustainable technology solutions at the the heart of our ecosystem. Unleashing the socio-economic potential of under-served communities through accessible utility services thereby accelerating full inclusion.

UltiNetS is pioneering a multi-utility service provider (MUSP) approach for the under-served communities, implementing the innovative “Civilisation-in-a-Box” business model, MUSP Business model provides electricity, broadband, financial services and even water supply through a single infrastructure investment, generating multiple revenue streams to achieve total independence and sustainability.